Release K.12.09 Enhancements
Release K.12.09 Enhancements
No enhancements, software fixes only.
Release K.12.10 Enhancements
Release K.12.10 includes the following enhancement:
■ Enhancement (PR_1000419653) — The show vlan ports command was enhanced to
display each port in the VLAN separately, display the friendly port name (if configured), and
display the VLAN mode (tagged/untagged) for each port. See “Show VLAN ports CLI
Command Enhancement” below.
Show VLAN ports CLI Command Enhancement
The show vlan ports command has been enhanced with an option (detail) to display VLAN member-
ships on a per-port basis when a range of ports is specified in the command. In addition, user-specified
port names will be displayed (if assigned), along with tagged or untagged membership modes.
Displaying the VLAN Membership of One or More Ports
This command shows VLAN memberships associated with a port or a group of ports.
Syntax show vlan ports < port-list > [detail]
Displays VLAN information for an individual port or a group of ports, either
cumulatively or on a detailed per-port basis.
port-list: Specify a single port number, a range of ports (for example, a1-a16), or all.
detail: Displays detailed VLAN membership information on a per-port basis.
Descriptions of items displayed by the command are provided below.
Port name: The user-specified port name, if one has been assigned.
VLAN ID: The VLAN identification number, or VID.
Name: The default or specified name assigned to the VLAN. For a static VLAN, the
default name consists of VLAN-x where “x” matches the VID assigned to that VLAN.
For a dynamic VLAN, the name consists of GVRP_x where “x” matches the
applicable VID.
Port-Based: Port-Based, static VLAN
Protocol: Protocol-Based, static VLAN
Dynamic: Port-Based, temporary VLAN learned through GVRP.