Maintenance and Troubleshooting
92 ESL E-Series Tape Library User’s Guide
Verifying the host configuration
In some cases, the FC HBA or host device driver may not be working properly.
Check the configuration of these elements.
It may be useful to check the release notes for the device driver to see if there are
any specific issues or a required configuration. It may also be useful to ensure that
the current version of the HBA driver is being used.
Older applications can have expectations about what constitutes a valid SCSI ID,
and thus may not correctly handle certain mappings. This is not an issue for the
operating system or most applications. However, some applications may exhibit
difficulties addressing target IDs greater than 15 (16 and higher.) To resolve this
situation in a direct attach configuration, configure the FC interface controller to
use hard addressing and set the AL_PA to a value that the HBA will be able to
map with an ID less than 16.
Verifying HBA device driver information
Review the HBA device driver Readme.txt file for configuration specifics. An
HBA may require a different configuration. HBAs typically come with utility
programs to view or change their configurations.
Verifying serial port configuration
If you are having problems connecting via the serial interface, verify the
configuration of the terminal or terminal emulation program.
If problems persist, verify the cabling.
If a valid Ethernet IP address is configured, serial configuration settings can also
be set via Telnet.
Table 16: Terminal configuration settings
Autobaud, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Data Bits
Stop Bit
Flow Control
None or XON/XOFF