SATA Devices B
SATA RAID Configurations 179
SATA RAID Configurations
This workstation supports an embedded SATA RAID. Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
combines multiple physical drives together to provide either increased performance or increased
For an embedded SATA RAID, there are three primary configurations.
• RAID 0 is a striping configuration. For example, this combines two 80GB drives into one 160GB drive.
Both physical drives can be accessed simultaneously for better performance. This is faster than using
two 80GB drives separately.
• RAID 1 is a mirroring configuration. For example, this uses two 80GB drives, but one drive is a
complete mirror of the other drive. The system remains functional and no data is lost if one of the drives
should fail.
• RAID 0 + 1 is a combination of RAID 0 and RAID 1. The controller combines the performance of data
striping (RAID 0) and the fault tolerance of disk mirroring (RAID 1). Data is striped across multiple
drives and duplicated on another set of drives.
There are other RAID configurations, but they are not supported on an embedded SATA RAID.
NOTE: For information on the integrated SATA RAID, visit http://www.hp.com/go/workstationsupport
and review the supplier’s documentation and HP User Manual for the Integrated NVIDIA SATA RAID Array
for Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional. For information on supported SATA RAID configurations, visit