Print Server Administration User’s Guide
4 EtherP Admin Administration
Installing and Starting the EtherP Admin Program
This chapter lists the requirements that your computer system should meet before
you can install EtherP Admin, tells how to install the program, and how to start it.
System Requirements
We recommend that your system meet the following requirements to be able to use
the EtherP Admin program:
♦ A PC-compatible computer with a 386 or faster processor
♦ One of the following Windows operating systems:
◊ Microsoft Windows version 3.1x
◊ Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11
◊ Microsoft Windows 95 or later
◊ Microsoft Windows NT 3.51, 4.0 or later.
♦ 4 megabytes of main memory (RAM)
♦ At least 4 megabytes of free hard disk space
♦ A Windows-compatible mouse or other pointing device
♦ An Ethernet network card with appropriate drivers (either NDIS or ODI)
You should also check your computer’s settings:
♦ If you are using a screen resolution larger than 640 x 480 (standard VGA), the
EtherP Admin display will look best if you use a “Small Fonts” setting.
♦ You need to have the IPX network protocol and the Novell NetWare client
services enabled. EtherP Admin uses the IPX protocol for communicating
with the print server.
You only need to have one workstation that meets the above requirements. It is not
necessary to run the EtherP Admin program on every workstation. Ordinary network
stations will still be able to print to your HyperNet Fastprint print server.
If you will only be using TCP/IP (U
) and/or AppleTalk protocols, you can use the
telnet interface instead of the Windows-based EtherP Admin. For more information
about using the telnet interface, see the Appendix: Telnet Interface Administration
section on page 64.
Installing EtherP Admin
Follow the procedure outlined below to install EtherP Admin:
1. Insert EtherP Admin installation disk 1 into your system’s 3.5” floppy drive
(A: or B:).