Print Server Administration User’s Guide
EtherP Admin Administration
Setting up the Print Server for Microsoft Networking
Little additional setup is necessary for the print server to be usable from Microsoft
Networking clients. First, the NetBEUI check box in the Server Device
Configuration window needs to be checked. Select the print server and choose
Server Device... from the Configuration menu to display this window.
You should also set the workgroup name and maximum allowed connections. These
settings are accessible from the NetBEUI Configuration dialog window, which you
can display by choosing NetBEUI Protocol... from the Configuration menu.
Each Microsoft Networking workstation or server has a workgroup name. The
workgroup name determines what servers and resources will show up by default in
lists of accessible resources. You should assign to the print server the same
workgroup name as the users who will be accessing it most often.
Network path names for printers on Microsoft Networking systems are of the form:
\\computer name\printer name
When the HyperNet Fastprint print server is used with Microsoft Networking, the
Server Name (set from the Server Device Configuration window) is used for the
computer name in the path, and the Port Name (set from the Parallel Port
Configuration or Serial Port Configuration window) is used for the
printer name