Print Server Administration User’s Guide
10 EtherP Admin Administration
get feedback on the printer’s status. If the printer connected to the port
supports PJL, set this field to Yes.
For serial ports, the following dialog will be displayed:
The fields that can be changed are:
◊ Port Name See above.
◊ Description See above.
◊ Baud Rate Sets the serial communications bit rate, in bits per second.
Most printers default to 9600bps; rates from 300bps to 115200bps are
◊ Data Bits Sets the number of bits transmitted per byte on the serial port.
Most modern printers use 8-bit data.
◊ Stop Bits Sets the number of stop bits transmitted per byte on the serial
port. Most modern printers use serial protocol with 1 stop bit.
◊ Parity Bits Sets the type of parity check bit sent with each byte on the
serial port. Most modern printers use a non-parity serial protocol.
◊ XON/XOFF Flow Control Determines whether or not the print server
should respond to software flow control requests from the printer. When
software flow control is used, the printer will send an XOFF character
(Control-S) to the print server when its buffer is getting full, and an XON
character (XON) when the buffer is no longer full.
◊ Hardware Flow Control Determines whether or not the print server
should respond to hardware flow control requests from the printer. When
hardware flow control is used, the printer will use the DTR, RTS, or both
RS-232 control lines to control the print server’s transmission of data in
order to prevent the printer’s buffers from getting full.
4. Click OK to exit the Port Configuration dialog.
5. Click OK to exit the Server Device Configuration dialog window.
6. Choose Save Configuration from the Configuration menu, or press the Save
Configuration button on the toolbar. This will store the new settings into the
print server and restart it.