
total number of burst errors reported in the Soft Error
Report MAC frame.
ACErrors This error is flagged when a frame is copied by an
adapter to which it was not addressed. Address
Copied Errors or ACErrors will increment the error
counter only for the nearest upstream neighbor of the
station reporting the error. This statistic is found in
the total number of ACErrors reported in the Soft Error
Report MAC frame.
Abort Error This keeps track of the number of times a ring station
transmits an abort delimiter to abort a frame it
transmitted. This statistic is found in the total number
of Abort errors reported in the Soft Error Report MAC
Lost Frame Error Represents how often frames transmitted by a
particular ring station fail to return to it and thus the
active monitor has to issue a new token. This statistic
is found in the total number of Lost Frame errors
reported in the Soft Error Report MAC frame.
Congestion Error Occurs when a station cannot copy the frame
addressed to it due to lack of receive buffers on the
adapter. This is commonly referred to as
Sometimes the problem may not actually
be in the receiving station, but in one or more stations
sending excessive number of frames to the congested
adapter. This statistic is found in the total number of
Congestion errors reported in the Soft Error Report
MAC frame.
Frame-Copied Error The Frame Copied Soft error counter is incremented
each time a destination station sees a frame
addressed to it and the Address Recognized and
Frame Copied bits set on. Under normal conditions
this would indicate a duplicate address in the network,
since stations would turn on those bits when they
recognize a frame addressed to them and can copy it.
However, with bridges the scenario is changed. As a
bridge sees a frame that it must copy, it marks the
AC/AC bits on the Frame Status field on the local ring.
When the frame is placed on the remote ring those
fields are cleared. Therefore on a ring with bridges it
is not uncommon to see many Frame Copied soft
errors. Also, be aware that the Frame Status field is
the only type of frame checked to verify that the frame
has successfully reached its destination. LLC frames
depend on several timers (T1/T2/Ti) to do link-level
acknowledgments and even though the Frame Status
field is updated, it will not be checked at the adapter
This statistic is found in the total number of Frame
Copied errors reported in the Soft Error Report MAC
Chapter 10. 8260 RMON Support 205