
8260A> show counter rmon tr_source_routing token_ring_7
RMON Token Ring Source Routing Statistics for Network TOKEN_RING_7
In Frames: 0
Out Frames: 0
Through Frames: 1013
In Octets: 0
Out Octets: 0
Through Octets: 93748
All Rt Brcst Frms: 7477
Single Rt Brcst Frms: 18488
All Rt Brcst Octs: 553319
Single Rt Brcst Octs: 2624628
Local LLC Frames: 559
One Hop Frames: 0
Two Hops Frames: 0
Three Hops Frames: 0
Four Hops Frames: 0
Five Hops Frames: 0
Six Hops Frames: 0
> Six Hops Frames: 0
Figure 131. Show Counter RMON TR_SOURCE_ROUTING
In order to be able to collect the above statistics, you must have enabled
RMON sr-routing_stats collection using the following command for T-MAC:
SET MODULE {slot.subslot} SR_ROUTING_STATS enable
10.6.6 Collecting and Displaying RMON Groups Using T-MAC
DMM (and T-MAC) allow you to collect information about the following RMON
groups for token-ring segments:
Host group
MAC Layer Statistics group
Promiscuous Statistics group
Ring Station group
Ring Station Order
Ring Station Configuration group
Ring Station Configuration group
Source Routing group
To be able to collect and view the above information, you must perform the
following steps:
1. Use the SHOW INTERFACE command to determine the
interface index
each T-MAC installed in your hub. Note the interface indexassigned to
each T-MAC as you will use this indexin the following command.
2. Enable the T-MAC interface if not enabled already. You can do this using the
following command for the T-MAC:
SET MODULE {slot.subslot} INTERFACE enable
230 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub