
Line Errors
Internal Errors
Burst Errors
Address Copied Errors
Abort Errors
Lost Frame Errors
Congestion Errors
Frame Copied Errors
Frequency Errors
Token Errors
Soft Error Reports
Ring Poll Events
Active Stations
All of the above statistics are also sampled by the token-ring MAC-layer
Statistics group with the exception of the Active Stations statistic. For
information about the individual statistics, please refer to, “Statistics
Group” on page 202.
The Active Stations statistic keeps track of the total number of active stations on
the ring detected by the probe during the sampling cycle.
Promiscuous History Group:
The token-ring Promiscuous History group collects
and stores the promiscuous token-ring statistics based on user-defined
frequency and duration. This group contains a total of 15 different counters for
collecting and storing the following statistics:
Drop Events
Data Octets
Data Packets
Broadcast Packets
Multicast Packets
Good non-MAC frames with lengths between:
18-63 octets
64-127 octets
128-255 octets
256-511 octets
512-1023 octets
1024-2047 octets
2048-4095 octets
4096-8191 octets
8192-18000 octets
Greater than 18000 octets Ring Station Group
The token-ring Ring Station group maintains status information and statistics
associated with each active station in the local ring. In addition, this group
provides status information for each ring being monitored.
Two tables are maintained by this group:
provides the following status information about the
local ring:
Chapter 10. 8260 RMON Support 209