
Config * IPX Port Parameters Module: BladeRunner
Log. Port: 1 LOGICAL PORT Time: 11:00 13 Jan 95
IPX Port Routing: Enabled Host Number: 08008F4001A0
Disposition: discard Network Number: 00000001
Interface Delay: 1 Encapsulation: ieee802.3
RIP Timer: 30 SAP Timer: 60
Security Access List 1: 0 Security Access List 2: 0
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Figure 187. LMS IPX Port Parameters Panel
This panel allows you to configure the following IPX parameters for each
IPX Port Routing
This parameter allows you to enable IPX routing for this port. Note that
the IPX routing must be enabled at the module level for this port to be
able to route IPX packets.
Host Number
This parameter is read-only and displays the host address of the
selected port.
On LAN ports that support IEEE 802.3 addressing, the host number is the
IEEE 802.3 MAC address of the physical port.
On WAN ports and LAN ports that do not support IEEE 802.3 addressing,
the port takes the lowest IEEE 802.3 MAC address in the Multiprotocol
Interconnect module.
This parameter specifies if the IPX traffic received by this port is to be
bridged or discarded. This parameter is only valid when IPX routing is
enabled at the module level but is disabled for this port.
Network Number
Each port that supports IPX routing must be assigned an IPX address
before the IPX routing can become active on that port.
The IPX address consists of the network number and the host number.
The network number is a 32-bit hexadecimal number that identifies the
network to which this port is attached.
Note: Each port must have a different network number assigned to it.
310 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub