Display or Change Diagnostic Run Time Options
The Display or Change Diagnostic Run Time Options task allows the diagnostic run
time options to be set.
Note: The run time options are used only when selecting the Run Diagnostic task.
The run time options are:
Display Diagnostic Mode Selection Menus
This option allows the user to turn on or off displaying the DIAGNOSTIC MODE
SELECTION MENU (the default is on).
Run Tests Multiple Times
This option allows the user to turn on or off running the diagnostic in loop mode
(the default is off).
Note: This option is only displayed when running Online Diagnostics in Service
Include Advanced Diagnostics
This option allows the user to turn on or off including the Advanced Diagnostics
(the default is off).
Include Error Log Analysis
This option allows the user to turn on or off including the Error Log Analysis
(ELA) (the default is off).
Number of Days Used to Search Error Log
This option allows the user to select the number of days to search the AIX error
log for errors when running the Error Log Analysis. The default is seven days,
but can be changed from one to sixty days.
Display Progress Indicators
This option allows the user to turn on or off the progress indicators when running
the Diagnostic Applications. The progress indicators are a popup box at the
bottom of the screen indicating the test being run (the default is on).
Save Changes to the Database
This option allows the user to save any changes made to the run-time options.
Without saving the changes, any changes made are only applicable to that
session of diagnostics (the default is no).
7043 43P Series User's Guide