Acronym Description
COE Continue on error (use number to select).
CP Device has run the specified number of cycles and is not running.
DD The exerciser has been terminated by a signal.
ER Device has stopped with an error.
HG The device is hung.
HOE Halt on error (use number to select).
RN Device is running.
ST Device is stopped.
Memory Exerciser
The memory exercisers are labeled memx, where x is a number for the exerciser.
Multiple exercisers can be active.
The memory exerciser requests as many memory buffers as possible from AIX. The
exerciser then fills the memory buffers with specified bit patterns, then reads and
compares the memory buffers to the specified bit patterns.
On systems with multiple processors a process is started for each processor. The
free memory space is split evenly between the available processors thus reducing
the time required to exercise all of the memory.
If the system is working properly, there will be no compare errors. If a
non-recoverable memory error occurs, the system will crash. Recoverable memory
errors are logged by the AIX operating system.
The following items must be available to run this service aid:
On-line diagnostics loaded in maintenance mode
128KB of free space in /etc/lpp/diagnostics/data
The following commands must be available:
– vmstat
– lsps
– bootinfo
Save or Restore Hardware Management Policies
Note: Runs on CHRP systems units only.
Use this service aid to save or restore the settings from Ring Indicate Power On
Policy, Surveillance Policy, Remote Maintenance Policy and Reboot Policy.
Save Hardware Management Policies
Chapter 9. Introduction to Tasks and Service Aids 9-31