Table 1-2. SP Switch2 supervisor LED indications (continued)
Green LED Yellow LED Indication
Flashing Flashing
Defective supervisor card (replace card)
Note: For this indication, the green and yellow LEDs are flashing
Step 0595-001
Perspectives indicates that a power problem exists and the yellow LED on the SP Switch2 supervisor is
On and it is not flashing.
1. Perform the “SP Switch2 supervisor self-test” on page 3-6.
v While the test is running, compare the LED conditions on the supervisor with those listed in
“Self-test Conditions” on page 3-7.
2. Did the supervisor pass the self-test?
v If yes, go to “Step 0595-002”.
v If no, go to “Step 0595-003”.
Step 0595-002
The supervisor passed the self-test. This indicates that the self-test may have reset the supervisor
processor and you need to determine if the problem has been cleared.
1. Refresh Perspectives.
2. Power on the switch.
3. Does Perspectives indicate that the original problem is still present or that a new problem is occurring?
v If yes, return to the Start MAP (0100) in the
RS/6000 SP: System Service Guide
v If no, go to the End of call procedures (MAP 0650) in the
RS/6000 SP: System Service Guide
Step 0595-003
The SP Switch2 supervisor failed the self-test therefore, you need to analyze the LED conditions you
observed during the self-test.
1. Did the green and yellow supervisor LEDs light?
v If yes, go to “Step 0595-005”.
v If no, go to “Step 0595-004”.
Step 0595-004
Both green and yellow supervisor LEDs did not light during the self-test.
1. Check the supervisor LEDs on the nodes connected to the same supervisor cable as the switch.
2. Are any other supervisor LEDs lit?
v If yes:
a. Replace the switch supervisor.
b. Go to “Step 0595-008” on page 1-8.
v If no, go to the Start MAP (0100) in the
RS/6000 SP: System Service Guide
and troubleshoot the
supervisory bus system.
Step 0595-005
The switch supervisor failed the self-test. However, during the self-test the green and yellow LEDs on the
supervisor did light.
1. Did the yellow LED flash the wrong address or was it on steady after the self-test completed?
v If the yellow LED flashed the wrong address, go to “Step 0595-006” on page 1-8.
v If the yellow LED was on steady after the self-test, go to “Step 0595-007” on page 1-8.
Switch supervisor communications (MAP 0595)
Chapter 1. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 1-7