Replacing an SP Switch2 from service position
Note: Make certain the switch has been returned to the active configuration after replacing the switch
from the service position.
1. Install the switch by sliding it into the front of the frame.
2. Reinstall the screws holding the switch to the front of the frame.
3. Reconnect all switch cables to their recorded interposer positions.
4. Reattach the power cable to slot J1 and the supervisor cable to slot J2.
5. Set the inline switch to the On (‘1’) position.
6. Place the switch circuit breaker in the On (‘1’) position.
Resetting the clock and bootlist after servicing a node
When servicing a node, the node becomes disconnected from its power source for a period of time. Since
nodes normally do not have a real battery, the NVRAM will loose it’s memory when disconnected from
power for about 10 minutes (sometimes less). This will cause the date to be reset to January 1, 1970, and
the bootlist to be cleared. This can cause some problems with booting.
It is highly recommended to reset the clock and bootlist before booting the node. This is done as follows:
1. Before powering down the node to be serviced, display the current bootlist:
a. Run diagnostics (diag)
b. Choose the “Service Aids” panel
c. Choose the “Display/Alter Bootlist” panel
d. Choose “Normal Mode”
e. Choose “Display Current Bootlist”
This will display the current bootlist.
2. Power down the node, service it, and hook it back into the frame.
3. On the control workstation, run spbootins to set the node to boot in maintenance mode. For
example, if it is node 12 of frame 2, enter:
spbootins -r maintenance 2 12 1
4. On the control workstation, netboot the node:
a. From the SP Perspectives Launch Pad, select ″Hardware Perspectives″
b. Click on the processor node (or nodes) you are going to boot from a network
c. Click on “Actions” button on the tool bar
d. Verify the nodes selected, then click on the ″Apply″ button
e. IPL from network device begins
Note: If Packets Received always shows “00000”, there is a network or configuration problem.
5. When this boots, a console window will pop up on your display. Follow the prompts:
a. “Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery”
b. “Access a Root Volume Group”
c. “Continue”
d. Choose correct disk from the list
e. Access this volume group and start a shell
6. In the maintenance shell, set the date command. For example, to set the date to August 3, 1995, do
″date 0803123095″
7. In the maintenance shell, set the boot list.
a. Run diagnostics (diag)
b. Choose the “Service Aids” panel
c. Choose the “Display/Alter Bootlist” panel
d. Choose “Normal Mode”
e. Choose “Alter Current Bootlist”
f. Set the bootlist the way it was before the node was serviced
8. Close the console window
Chapter 3. Service procedures 3-11