v -n Assumes that the device driver or daemon has flushed the cache.
v -s Takes a soft snap, which does not dump the adapter state. This excludes the col_dump.out. This flag
is used for temporary errors (TYPE=TEMP) where the integrity of the adapter is in doubt, or when it is
not desirable to corrupt the adapter state by the use of diagnostic routines.
v -a Specifies a single adapter. When this flag is not used, all the node’s configured adapters will be
selected. This is the default.
v -p Specifies a single port on a specified adapter, hence a specific plane. This option must be used
together with the -a option. When this flag is not specified, all the adapter’s ports are selected. This is
the default.
Collect the css.snap information from both the primary node and all nodes that are experiencing SP
Switch2 problems. Do not reboot the nodes before running css.snap, because rebooting causes the loss
of valuable diagnostic information.
css.snap file structure
The files collected by running the css.snap script are organized into the following hierarchy of directories:
v Node (global) level log file
v Contains information relevant to all the ports and adapters in the node
/var/adm/SPlogs/cssX (where X=0 or 1)
v Adapter level log file (the 0 in css0 refers to the adapter id)
v Contains information relevant to all the ports on a specific adapter
/var/adm/SPlogs/cssX/p0 (where X=0 or 1)
v Port level log file (the 0 in p0 is the port number on the adapter)
v Contains information relevant to a specific port
Files collected by css.snap
The css.snap script collects all the files which reside in the /var/adm/SPlogs/css (node level),
/var/adm/SPlogs/css0 (adapter level), and /var/adm/SPlogs/css0/p0 (port level) directories, and some
additional files from the /tmp directory. Some of the files reside on each node, while others reside only on
the primary node or on the control workstation.
Under normal circumstances, the css.snap script will collect the following files:
Table 3-4. SP Switch2 log files
Log File Information Level File Location File Contents
adapter.log adapter nodes Adapter status information from the fault
service daemon
cable_miswire port primary node Node-to-switch or switch-to-switch plane
miswired connection information.
cadd_dump.out node nodes Most recent css.snap’s cadd_dump
command dump file. SP Switch2 adapter
device driver trace buffer dump file.
chgcss.log node nodes Log file of chgcss, which changes the
adapter device driver’s attributes.
col_dump.gsd adapter nodes The most recent css.snap’s col_dump
command dump file. Microcode dump
colad.trace adapter nodes SP Switch2 adapter diagnostics
3-4 RS/6000 SP: SP Switch2 Service Guide