Step 0600-007
You are here for one of the following reasons:
v An over temperature condition exists
v You fixed an obvious airflow blockage or removed a high temperature source near the air intakes
v A problem with the switch supervisor card sensors may exist
For any of the reasons listed above:
1. Perform “SP Switch2 supervisor self-test” on page 3-6.
2. Does the card pass self-test?
v If yes, go to “Step 0600-008”.
v If no, replace the switch supervisor card. If the problem persists, call the next level of support.
Step 0600-008
The switch supervisor card passed the self-test.
1. Check the yellow switch supervisor LED for ON or FLASHING condition.
2. Is the yellow switch supervisor LED ON or FLASHING?
v If the switch supervisor LED is ON or FLASHING, return to “Step 0600-003” on page 1-9 to
determine if any other conditions exist. If no obvious problems are found, call next level of support.
v If the switch supervisor LED is not ON or FLASHING:
a. You have resolved the problem.
b. Go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27 to verify fix.
Step 0600-009
You found an obvious airflow blockage or abnormally high temperature source near air intakes.
1. Remove blockage or high temperature source.
2. Return to “Step 0600-007” to verify fix.
Step 0600-010
Perspective display shows ″PS X: Failure″ on a red background.
1. Use Table 1-5 to service components
2. Refer to Chapter 4, “FRU removals and replacements” on page 4-1 for instructions about the
component being serviced.
Table 1-5. Power supply failure diagnostics
Priority Component Action
(1 of 4)
Power Supply 1, 2, 3, or 4
a. Replace the power supplies.
b. Continue at “Step 0600-011”.
(2 of 4)
Switch supervisor card
a. Replace the card.
b. Continue at “Step 0600-011”.
(3 of 4)
Switch planar
a. Replace planar/chassis
b. Continue at “Step 0600-011”.
(4 of 4)
All replaced Call next level of support.
Step 0600-011
You performed the recommended action in Table 1-5.
1. Component replaced or reseated.
2. Check the yellow switch supervisor LED for an On or flashing condition.
Switch environment (MAP 0600)
RS/6000 SP: SP Switch2 Service Guide