v Verify with the original equipment manufacturer vendor that any non-IBM
devices are compatible with the model upgrade and the new software release.
Note: The customer should request written confirmation of this compatibility
from the original equipment manufacturer vendor.
v The target system may have different power requirements than the source
system. Appropriate planning and preparation by the customer is very
important. Determine whether you need additional space and power
requirements for any additional system units or system racks. For more
information, see Technical Studio at
v Verify that the target system has a tape drive compatible with the tape format
used to save information on the source system.
v Ensure that your marketing representative or IBM business partner is aware of
the number of ports on your current twinaxial workstation controllers and the
number of ports you will need on your new model. This will help to ensure that
the proper model and features get ordered for your upgrade.
v Ensure that you label the cables of your current system before the upgrade. To
do this, see the Physical Planning guide in the iSeries Information Center under
Getting Started with iSeries -> Planning ->Physical planning for your new
System Configuration Considerations
v When implementing changes to the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) configuration,
do it either before or after the upgrade, but never during the upgrade.
v If you use mirroring, make sure to specify the correct level.
v A current system configuration list should be available for the hardware service
representative. The configuration list provides details of your current system
To print the System Configuration List, do the following:
1. On the OS/400 Main Menu command line, type STRSST. Then, press the
Enter key.
2. Type QSECOFR on the System Service Tool Sign on display and press Enter.
3. On the STRSST display, select Start a service tool option. Press the Enter key.
4. On the Start a Service Tool display, select Hardware service manager. Press
the Enter key.
5. From the Hardware Service Manager display, press F6 (print configuration).
6. To return to the OS/400 Main Menu, Press F3 (Exit) twice, and then press the
Enter key.
7. Keep the printed list - the service representative will need it.
Services and Other Assistance
v Determine whether you need on-site support or services. “Appendix A. AS/400
Global Services” on page 35 has information about the following:
– IBM Global Services
– iSeries 400 and AS/400 Data Migration Services
– LPAR Planning and Implementation Services
– iSeries Planning and Migration Services
– AS/400 System Migration Services
10 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1