
Chapter 4. Procedure for a Data Migration (RISC-to-RISC)
This chapter guides you through a data migration (RISC to RISC) that moves data
from one iSeries model server to another. It requires two servers with unique serial
numbers. To migrate data from one iSeries 400 server to an upgraded model that
retains the original serial number, refer to Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade
(RISC-to-RISC)on page 17.
Prerequisites for data migration (RISC to RISC)
This procedure assumes that:
v The target system is set up and is running, with only SLIC and the base OS
installed (FC 0205) and that the DASD has been configured for ASP 1. For help
with DASD configuration, you may wish to investigate the IBM billable service
DASD management.
v You have completed a clean-up of the source system, and obtained current
performance benchmarks.
Note: Failure to obtain performance benchmarks may make it extremely difficult
to provide support for your iSeries system after moving to the new
model. IBM strongly recommends that you maintain performance
benchmarks of your system before and after a migration.
v Completed a recovery backup of your source system, at the previous release
Preparing the source system for the migration
This procedure assumes that you have:
v _ Loaded the new OS/400 version on your source system, and brought all
existing objects and licensed programs to the new release level. Complete the
procedure Preparing the Current Systemon page 18 through step 14.
v _ Set the system values, and print the current configuration.
v _ Completed a recovery backup of the source system at the new release level,
and printed your latest system configuration information, including:
Latest system configuration list from hardware service manager
Latest device descriptions printout of the source system
Latest controller descriptions printout of the source system
Latest PTF level printout from the source system
v _ Run your source system at the new release level for two weeks, and
completed a recovery backup. (Recommended)
v _ Have set up your new system, and/or created the new partition, including
Operations Console setup (if selected in system order).
v _ Done your disk unit management (for example, manage disk protection and
disk configuration). To do this, you can use the Work with Disk Units option from
the Dedicated Service Tools display. For more information, see the manual
Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304-05. A PDF version of this manual is available
from the Information Center under Systems Management -> Backup, recovery,
and availability -> Manuals and Redbooks.
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