Performing a new system backup
__ 1. Perform a normal IPL:
No LPAR LPAR Primary Partition LPAR Secondary Partition
Perform the following:
a. Make sure that the
system is set to B and
Normal (N) mode before
performing the power
down and subsequent
IPL of the system.
b. Once the system is set to
B and Normal mode,
follow these steps:
1) Type PWRDWNSYS on
the command line
and prompt on the
command (Press F4).
2) Make sure that you
select these options
v For How to end,
v For Delay time, if
*CNTRLD, 3600
(use the default
value, in seconds,
or the value that
you consider
appropriate given
your software and
system settings)
v For Restart after
power down, *YES
v For IPL Source,
Perform the steps in the No
LPAR column after verifying
that all secondary partitions
are powered down.
For information about
powering down a system,
see the Powering down a
system with logical
partitions topic in the
Information Center under
Systems Management ->
Logical partitions ->
Managing logical partitions
-> Restarting and powering
down a system with logical
Perform the steps in the No
LPAR column (set partitions
to B Normal mode, and then
power down and perform an
IPL on the partitions), using
appropriate LPAR service
tool steps, only after
successfully performing a
normal IPL of the primary
For instructions on setting
the IPL mode, powering
down, and performing an
IPL on secondary partitions,
see the Restarting and
powering down a system
with logical partitions
topic in the Information
Center under Systems
Management -> Logical
partitions -> Managing
logical partitions.
SRC A900 2000 should not appear on the control panel when the IPL
completes. If SRC A900 2000 does appear and you are using Operations
Console, you must perform an IPL in Manual mode (M) on the system to
arrive at the Dedicated Service Tools (DST). Then, in DST, set the console
mode system value to Operations Console, and continue the IPL to sign on.
To set the system to manual mode, do the following:
v For systems without logical partitions, see the Changing operating modes
and IPL types topic in the Information Center under System hardware ->
Restarting the system (IPL) -> IPL type.
v For systems with logical partitions, see the Changing operating mode for
a logical partition topic in the Information Center under Systems
Management -> Logical partitions -> Managing logical partitions ->
Restarting and powering down a system with logical partitions.
28 iSeries 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V5R1