Appendix C. Obtain the Latest Preventive Service Planning
You need the most recent cumulative package of the Preventive Service Planning
Information. The IBM software support center updates this information regularly. It
provides the most current information about conditions that could impede your
software installation process.
There are multiple preventive service planning documents, categorized by topic.
We recommend that you review at least the software installation document and the
general document for the release of the operating system. The general document
lists topics covered in additional preventive service planning information
documents that you might want to order, if they apply to your system.
You can order the preventive service planning documents through electronic
customer support:
PSP Document Command to Order, program temporary fix
General document for the release Send Program Temporary Fix Order
V4R4 software installation SNDPTFORD SF98040
V4R4 (System Upgrade Road Map RISC to
V4R5 software installation SNDPTFORD SF98050
V4R5 (System Upgrade Road Map RISC to
V5R1 software installation SNDPTFORD SF98060
V5R1 (System Upgrade Road Map RISC to
For all customers, PTFs can be downloaded from the following Web site:
You need to register at this site. To download a PTF, go to the AS/400 Internet PTF
1. Click Fixes, Downloads and Updates.
2. Click Internet PTF Downloads (iPTF).
If you do not have access to electronic customer support, contact your software
support provider to obtain this information. This ensures that you will receive the
required PTF as well. Information about displaying and printing preventive service
planning documents is available in the Ordering fixes topic under System
planning and installation -> Getting started with iSeries -> Managing system
operations -> Managing fixes -> Ordering preventive service packs (PSPs) in the
Information Center.
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