
Working with a Problem
Problem analysis is the process of finding the cause of a problem and identifying
why the system is not working. Often this process identifies equipment or data
communications functions as the source of the problem. The Work with Problem
(QPDWRKPB) API allows you to perform problem analysis on local machine-
detected problems in the problem log. The Work with Problem (QPDWRKPB) API
prepares the problem in the problem log for reporting; it does not report the
problem automatically.
Problem Log Entry APIs
The following set of problem management APIs are for designing problem log appli-
Add Problem Log Entry (QsxAddProblemLogEntry)
Change Problem Log Entry (QsxChangeProblemLogEntry)
Create Problem Log Entry (QsxCreateProblemLogEntry)
Delete Problem Log Entry (QsxDeleteProblemLogEntry)
End Problem Log Services (QsxEndProblemLogServices)
Retrieve Problem Log Entry (QsxRetrieveProblemLogEntry)
Start Problem Log Services (QsxStartProblemLogServices)
Error Reporting APIs
The following set of problem management APIs log software problems.
Log Software Error (QPDLOGER) reports a software problem and collects data
needed for its resolution.
Report Software Error (QpdReportSoftwareError) logs problems in the problem
log and sends it to a service provider.
Program and CL Command APIs
You can use these APIs to do the following:
Create programs
List program or service program information
Retrieve program or service program information
Activate service programs
Manipulate entries in the associated space of a program
Handle compiler preprocessor-related tasks
Resolve a pointer to an export
Scan a string of characters for a pattern
Execute a CL command or run a command from within an HLL or CL program
You can use the Create Program (QPRCRTPG) API to write your own assembler
or compiler. When the assembler or compiler has created the machine interface
template, this API is used to create the program from it.
Registration Facility APIs
The registration facility is a service that provides storage and retrieval operations
for OS/400 and non-OS/400 exit points and exit programs. An exit point is a spe-
cific point in a system function or program where control may be passed to one or
more specified exit programs. An exit program is a program to which control is
passed from an exit point. This registration facility repository allows multiple
programs to associate with a given system function or application function.
Chapter 8. Use of OS/400 APIs 8-19