
QLPCDINF (Generate CD-ROM Premastering Infor-
mation) API
use of 8-21
QLPCDRST (Handle CD-ROM Premastering State)
use of 8-21
QlpGenerateCdPremasteringInfo (Generate CD-ROM
Premastering Information) API
use of 8-21
QlpHandleCdState (Handle CD-ROM Premastering
State) API
use of 8-21
QLRSETCE (Set COBOL Error Handler) API
OPM COBOL example B-112
QOKDSPDP (Display Directory Panels) API 8-15
QOKDSPX4 (Display Directory X.400 Panels)
API 8-15
QOKSCHD (Search System Directory) API 8-15
use of 8-24
use of 8-21
use of 8-21
QPARTVDA (Retrieve Data) API 8-29
QPASTRPT (Start Pass-Through) API 8-29
QPDLOGER (Log Software Error) API 8-19
without pointers
ILE C example 6-2
ILE RPG example B-119
OPM COBOL example B-112
OPM RPG example B-116
QpdReportSoftwareError (Report Software Error)
API 8-19
with pointers
ILE C example 6-7
ILE COBOL example B-122
ILE RPG example B-126
QPDWRKPB (Work with Problem) API 8-19
QPRCRTPG (Create Program) API 7-5
use of 8-19
use of 8-5
QsxAddProblemLogEntry (Add Problem Log Entry)
API 8-19
QsxChangeProblemLogEntry (Change Problem Log
Entry) API 8-19
QsxCreateProblemLogEntry (Create Problem Log
Entry) API 8-19
QsxDeleteProblemLogEntry (Delete Problem Log
Entry) API 8-19
QsxEndProblemLogServices (End Problem Log Ser-
vices) API 8-19
QsxRetrieveProblemLogEntry (Retrieve Problem
Log Entry) API 8-19
QsxStartProblemLogServices (Start Problem Log
Services) API 8-19
QSYLOBJP (List Objects That Adopt Owner
Authority) API
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
list format 5-14
OPM COBOL example B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4
QSYLOBJP (List Objects That Adopt Owner
Authority) API—example 5-12
QSYSINC (system include) library 2-28
example of header file 4-2
member name 2-28
QSZCRTPD (Create Product Definition) API
OPM RPG example A-3
QSZCRTPL (Create Product Load) API
OPM RPG example A-3
QSZPKGPO (Package Product Option) API
OPM RPG example A-3
qualified job description name
description 3-4
use of 8-5
list API
qus.h header file 4-4
QUSADDEP (Add Exit Program) API
OPM COBOL example B-47
OPM RPG example B-54
QusAddExitProgram (Add Exit Program) API
example of keyed interface 4-3
ILE C example 4-9
ILE COBOL example B-50
ILE RPG example B-58
QUSCHGUS (Change User Space) API
effect on user space 2-17
example 2-20, 2-21
used with pointer data 2-16
used without pointer data 2-17
QUSCRTUS (Create User Space) API
description 2-13
example B-66
listing database file members 2-22
receiving error messages 2-10
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
OPM COBOL example B-61, B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4, B-71
QusDeregisterExitPoint (Deregister Exit Point) API
ILE C example 4-19
ILE COBOL example B-87
ILE RPG example B-92
Index X-23