Figure 2-1. OPM and ILE API Verbs and Abbrevi-
Figure 2-1. OPM and ILE API Verbs and Abbrevi-
Verb Abbreviation Verb Abbreviation
access access Put PUT, Put
Add ADD, Add PutGet PutGet
Change C, CHG, Chg, ch Query Q, QRY, Qry
Check C, CHK, CHECK Read RD, Read, read
Clear CLR, Clr Receive R, RCV, RECV
Close CLO, close Register RG, REG, R, Register
Complete Cmp Release RLS
Control CTL Remove RMV, Rmv, Remove, rm
Convert CVT, CVRT, Convert Rename RNM, rename
Copy CPY, Cpy Report Report
Create CRT, Crt, create Resend RSN
Customize CST Reserve Reserve
Delete DLT, Dlt Restore Restore
Deregister DRG, Deregister reset rewind
Disable D Resize Rsz
Display DSP, Dsp Retrieve R, RTV, Rtv, Retrieve
Dump DMP, Dump Roll Roll
duplicate dup Save SAV, Sav, Save
Edit EDT Scan for SCAN
Enable E Send S, SND, SEND, Send
End END, End Set SET, Set
Execute (run) EXC, EXEC Shift Shf
Filter FTR Start Start, STR, Str
Force FRC Submit Submit
Generate GEN Switch Set
Get (fetch) G, GET, Get, get Test T
Initialize Inz Toggle Tgl
Insert Ins Transform T
link link Translate TR, TRN, XLATE
List L, LST, List truncate truncate
Lock/unlock LUL Unregister U
make mk Update UPD
Map Map Validate V
Maximize Mxz Work with WK, WRK, Wrk
Move MOV, Mov Write WRT, Wrt, write, W
Open OPN, open Note: Refer to “APIs for the ILE Common Exe-
cution Environment (CEE)” on page 2-5 for infor-
mation about ILE CEE API names.
Pad Pad
Print PRT, Prt
2-2 System API Programming V4R1