Defining, creating, distributing, and maintaining your own software products.
See “Packaging Your Own Software Products” on page A-1 for an example of
packaging a product similar to the way IBM packages products.
Controlling systems and networks, which can include configuration, spooled
files, network management, problem management, and so forth.
Handling objects, which includes creating, changing, copying, deleting, moving,
and renaming objects on the system.
APIs can also be categorized by the operating environment. For more information,
refer to “API Environments” on page 2-4.
Related Information
Besides the OS/400 APIs that are documented in the
System API Reference
, other
OS/400 APIs are documented in the following books:
Common Programming APIs Toolkit/400 Reference
, SC41-4802
CPI Communications Reference
, SC26-4399
DB2 for AS/400 Query Management Programming
, SC41-5703
GDDM Programming Guide
, SC41-0536
Machine Interface Functional Reference
, SC41-5810
PrintManager API Reference
, S544-3699
REXX/400 Programmer’s Guide
, SC41-5728, and
REXX/400 Reference
Ultimedia System Facilities Programming
, SC41-4652
Many products on the AS/400 system also provide APIs. Refer to the product doc-
umentation for more information.
Client Access
OfficeVision for AS/400
OSI File Services, OSI Message Services, and OSI Communications Sub-
System Manager for AS/400 and Managed System Services for OS/400
TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for AS/400
1-4 System API Programming V4R1