16 Programmer’s Reference Manual
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.1.3 PCICMD—PCI Command Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Offset Address: 04h–05h Attribute: R/W, RO
Default Value: 0000h Size: 16 bits
Bit Description
15:11 Reserved
Interrupt Disable (ID) — R/W.
0= The INTx# signals may be asserted.
1= The Intel
High Definition Audio controller’s INTx# signal will be de-asserted
NOTE: This bit does not affect the generation of MSIs.
9 Fast Back to Back Enable (FBE) — RO. Not implemented. Hardwired to 0.
SERR# Enable (SERR_EN) — R/W. SERR# is not generated by the ICH7 Intel High Definition
Audio Controller.
7 Wait Cycle Control (WCC) — RO. Not implemented. Hardwired to 0.
6 Parity Error Response (PER) — RO. Not implemented. Hardwired to 0.
5 VGA Palette Snoop (VPS). Not implemented. Hardwired to 0.
4 Memory Write and Invalidate Enable (MWIE) — RO. Not implemented. Hardwired to 0.
3 Special Cycle Enable (SCE). Not implemented. Hardwired to 0.
Bus Master Enable (BME) — R/W. Controls standard PCI Express* bus mastering capabilities
for Memory and I/O, reads and writes. Note that this bit also controls MSI generation since MSIs
are essentially Memory writes.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Memory Space Enable (MSE) — R/W. Enables memory space addresses to the Intel High
Definition Audio controller.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
I/O Space Enable (IOSE)—RO. Hardwired to 0 since the Intel High Definition Audio controller
does not implement I/O space.