36 Programmer’s Reference Manual
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.2 Intel
High Definition Audio Memory Mapped
Configuration Registers
High Definition Audio— D27:F0)
The base memory location for these memory mapped configuration registers is specified in the
HDBAR register (D27:F0:offset 10h and D27:F0:offset 14h). The individual registers are then
accessible at HDBAR + Offset as indicated in Table 1-2.
These memory mapped registers must be accessed in byte, word, or DWord quantities.
Table 1-2. Intel
High Definition Audio PCI Register Address Map
High Definition Audio D27:F0) (Sheet 1 of 4)
Mnemonic Register Name Default Access
00h–01h GCAP Global Capabilities 4401h RO
02h VMIN Minor Version 00h RO
03h VMAJ Major Version 01h RO
04h–05h OUTPAY Output Payload Capability 003Ch RO
06h–07h INPAY Input Payload Capability 001Dh RO
08h–0Bh GCTL Global Control 00000000h R/W
0Ch–0Dh WAKEEN Wake Enable 0000h R/W
0Eh–0Fh STATESTS State Change Status 0000h R/WC
10h–11h GSTS Global Status 0000h R/WC
12h–13h Rsv Reserved 0000h RO
18h–19h OUTSTRMPAY Output Stream Payload Capability 0030h RO
1Ah–1Bh INSTRMPAY Input Stream Payload Capability 0018h RO
1Ch–1Fh Rsv Reserved 00000000h RO
20h–23h INTCTL Interrupt Control 00000000h R/W
24h–27h INTSTS Interrupt Status 00000000h RO
30h–33h WALCLK Wall Clock Counter 00000000h RO
34h–37h SSYNC Stream Synchronization 00000000h R/W
40h–43h CORBLBASE CORB Lower Base Address 00000000h R/W, RO
44h–47h CORBUBASE CORB Upper Base Address 00000000h R/W
48h–49h CORBWP CORB Write Pointer 0000h R/W
4Ah–4Bh CORBRP CORB Read Pointer 0000h R/W
4Ch CORBCTL CORB Control 00h R/W
4Dh CORBST CORB Status 00h R/WC
50h–53h RIRBLBASE RIRB Lower Base Address 00000000h R/W, RO
54h–57h RIRBUBASE RIRB Upper Base Address 00000000h R/W
58h–59h RIRBWP RIRB Write Pointer 0000h R/W, RO
5Ah–5Bh RINTCNT Response Interrupt Count 0000h R/W