Programmer’s Reference Manual 25
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.1.23 PC—Power Management Capabilities Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Address Offset: 52h–53h Attribute: RO
Default Value: C842h Size: 16 bits
1.1.24 PCS—Power Management Control and Status Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Address Offset: 54h–57h Attribute: RO, R/W, R/WC
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
Bit Description
PME Support — RO. Hardwired to 11001b. Indicates PME# can be generated from D3 and D0
10 D2 Support — RO. Hardwired to 0. Indicates that D2 state is not supported.
9 D1 Support —RO. Hardwired to 0. Indicates that D1 state is not supported.
Aux Current — RO. Hardwired to 001b. Reports 55 mA maximum suspend well current required
when in the D3
Device Specific Initialization (DSI) — RO. Hardwired to 0. Indicates that no device specific
initialization is required.
4 Reserved
3 PME Clock (PMEC) — RO. Does not apply. Hardwired to 0.
Version — RO. Hardwired to 010b. Indicates support for version 1.1 of the PCI Power Management
Bit Description
31:24 Data — RO. Does not apply. Hardwired to 0.
23 Bus Power/Clock Control Enable — RO. Does not apply. Hardwired to 0.
22 B2/B3 Support — RO. Does not apply. Hardwired to 0.
21:16 Reserved.
PME Status (PMES) — R/WC.
0 = Software clears the bit by writing a 1 to it.
1 = This bit is set when the Intel
High Definition Audio controller would normally assert the PME#
signal independent of the state of the PME_EN bit (bit 8 in this register)
This bit is in the resume well and only cleared on a power-on reset. Software must not make
assumptions about the reset state of this bit and must set it appropriately.
14:9 Reserved
PME Enable (PMEE) — R/W.
0 = Disable
1 = when set and if corresponding PMES also set, the Intel High Definition Audio controller sets the
AC97_STS bit in the GPE0_STS register (PMBASE +28h). The AC97_STS bit is shared by AC
’97 and Intel High Definition Audio functions since they are mutually exclusive.
This bit is in the resume well and only cleared on a power-on reset. Software must not make
assumptions about the reset state of this bit and must set it appropriately.
7:2 Reserved