58 Programmer’s Reference Manual
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.2.37 SDLPIB—Stream Descriptor Link Position in Buffer
Register (Intel
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: Input Stream[0]: HDBAR + 84h Attribute: RO
Input Stream[1]: HDBAR + A4h
Input Stream[2]: HDBAR + C4h
Input Stream[3]: HDBAR + E4h
Output Stream[0]: HDBAR + 104h
Output Stream[1]: HDBAR + 124h
Output Stream[2]: HDBAR + 144h
Output Stream[3]: HDBAR + 164h
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
1.2.38 SDCBL—Stream Descriptor Cyclic Buffer Length Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: Input Stream[0]: HDBAR + 88h Attribute: R/W
Input Stream[1]: HDBAR + A8h
Input Stream[2]: HDBAR + C8h
Input Stream[3]: HDBAR + E8h
Output Stream[0]: HDBAR + 108h
Output Stream[1]: HDBAR + 128h
Output Stream[2]: HDBAR + 148h
Output Stream[3]: HDBAR + 168h
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
Bit Description
Link Position in Buffer — RO. Indicates the number of bytes that have been received off the link.
This register will count from 0 to the value in the Cyclic Buffer Length register and then wrap to 0.
Bit Description
Cyclic Buffer Length — R/W. Indicates the number of bytes in the complete cyclic buffer. This
register represents an integer number of samples. Link Position in Buffer will be reset when it
reaches this value.
Software may only write to this register after Global Reset, Controller Reset, or Stream Reset has
occurred. This value should be only modified when the RUN bit is 0. Once the RUN bit has been set
to enable the engine, software must not write to this register until after the next reset is asserted, or
transfer may be corrupted.