118 Kodak ESP 9 Printer User Guide
EXIF Exchangeable Image File Format. A standard for storing interchange information in
image files, especially those using JPEG compression. Most digital cameras now use the
EXIF format.
Gateway Address A node on a network that serves as an entrance to another network. A
node in this instance can be a computer or some other device.The address of the default
gateway is assigned by the installation software, unless you have already set a manual IP
Hostname The TCP/IP name assigned to the device by the installation software.
Infrastructure The Kodak All-in-One printer communicates with other network devices
through a wireless access point, such as a wireless router or base station.
IP Address Internet Protocol address. This address uniquely identifies the device on the
network. IP addresses are assigned dynamically through DHCP or AutoIP. Static IP
addresses can be set up. An invalid IP address during installation will prevent your
network components from seeing the Kodak All-in-One printer
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group. The name of the committee that developed the
image file format. JPEG is a compressed image file format. JPEG is a “lossy” format, which
means some quality is lost when the image is compressed.
Kodak Perfect Touch Automatically corrects for common image flaws and “mistakes,”
such as shadows, and backlighting. Kodak Perfect Touch technology also enhances the
desirable qualities of pictures, for vibrant color and richer detail. This feature is available
when scanning or copying pictures. Color restoration and Kodak Perfect Touch can be used
together to enhance pictures. This feature is not available when scanning black and white
KPT Kodak Perfect Touch.
MAC Media Access Control. The Media Access Control address identifies the Kodak All-
in-One printer. This is a unique 12-digit identification number assigned to networking
hardware for identification, including routers, switches, and other such devices. No two
pieces of hardware have the same MAC address. Some Internet service providers (ISPs)
require that you register the MAC address of the Network Card or LAN Adapter that was
connected to your cable or DSL modem during installation.