
Danaher Motion 06/2005 BASIC Moves Development Studio
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 21
The value of the expression (6.33 * 2.79) is converted from double to long
when the value (17) is copied into I. In the conversion to long, the number is
truncated to the integer portion of the floating-point value.
Logical expressions are combinations of data and logical operators. For
example, X1 And X2 is a logical expression. The data and results of logical
elements are type Long. Double variables are not allowed in logical
expressions. The terms, logical and Boolean are considered
Logical expressions are evaluated from left to right. They are evaluated only
far enough to determine the result. So, in A And B And C, if A is 0 (false),
the result is false without evaluating B or C.
Precedence dictates which operator is executed first. If two operators
appear in an expression, the operator with higher precedence is executed
first. For example, multiplication has a higher precedence than addition. The
1+2*3 is evaluated as 7 ((2 * 3) + 1), not 9 ((2 + 1) * 3).
The minus sign in the math operators’ table (below) is sometimes confusing
since it shows up twice in the table: once with a high precedence (unary
negation) and once with low precedence subtraction (binary minus). This
difference in precedence is intuitive:
5 * -6 only makes sense if the
negation is executed first.
The tables that follow list different types of operators. The entries in the
tables are listed in order of precedence: the higher in the table, the higher the
operator precedence. Also, the tables themselves are arranged in order of
precedence with respect to one another. Math operators have the highest
precedence. So, all math operations are executed before any other type of
operator is executed. Finally, any time you need to change the standard
precedence, use parentheses. Parentheses have the highest precedence of
Algebraic Operator Symbol Unary/Binary Operand Type
Parentheses ( ) NA double, long, string, joint, location
Exponentiation ^ Binary double, long
Negation - Unary double, long, joint, location
Unary Plus + Unary double, long, joint, location
Multiplication * Binary double, long, joint, location
Division / Binary double, long, joint, location
Modulo Mod Binary double, long
Addition + Binary double, long, string, joint, location
Subtraction - Binary double, long, joint, location
Compound : Binary location
Relational Operator Symbol Binary/Unary Operand Type
Parentheses ( ) Not applicable double, long, string
Equality = Binary double, long, string
Inequality <> Binary double, long, string
Less than < Binary double, long, string
Greater than > Binary double, long, string
Less than or equal to <= Binary double, long, string
Greater than or equal to >= Binary double, long, string
Word-wise Logical Operator Symbol Unary/Binary Operand Type
And And Binary long
Or Or Binary long
Exclusive or Xor Binary long
Not Not Unary long