14: Maintenance and Diagnostics Settings
EDS User Guide 133
Figure 14-33 System
2. Configure the following settings:
Table 14-34 System
3. Click Submit.
System Settings Description
Reboot Device Click Reboot to reboot the device. The system refreshes and redirects the
browser to the device home page.
Restore Factory Defaults Click Factory Defaults to restore the device to the original factory settings. All
configurations will be lost. The device automatically reboots upon setting back
to the defaults.
Upload New Firmware Click Browse to locate the firmware file location. Click Upload to install the
firmware on the device. The device automatically reboots upon the installation
of new firmware.
Note: Close and reopen the web manager browser upon a firmware update.
Name Enter a new Short Name and a Long Name (if necessary). The Short Name
maximum is 32 characters. The Long Name maximum is 64 characters.
Changes take place upon the next reboot.
Note: Additional information about long and short name customization is
available in Short and Long Name Customization on page 150 of Chapter 17:
Branding the EDS .