11: Service Settings
EDS User Guide 91
LPD Configuration
Here you can change LPD configuration settings.
To configure LPD settings for a specific LPD line:
1. Select LPD on the menu bar, if you are not already at the LPD web page.
2. Select a LPD line at the top of the page.
3. Select Configuration. The LPD Configuration for the selected LPD line appears.
Figure 11-18 LPD Configuration
4. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 11-19 LPD Configuration
LPD Configuration
Banner Select Enabled to print the banner even if the print job does not specify to do so. Selected
by default.
Binary Select Enabled for the device to pass the entire file to the printer unchanged. Otherwise,
the device passes only valid ASCII and valid control characters to the printer. Valid control
characters include the tab, linefeed, formfeed, backspace, and newline characters. All
others are stripped. Disabled by default.
Start of Job Select Enabled to print a "start of job" string before sending the print data.
End of Job Select Enabled to send an "end of job" string.
Formfeed Select Enabled to force the printer to advance to the next page at the end of each print job.