9: Line and Tunnel Settings
EDS User Guide 74
Figure 9-21 Tunnel 1 Modem Emulation
4. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 9-22 Tunnel Modem Emulation
5. Click Submit.
6. Repeat above steps as desired, according to additional tunnel(s) available on your product.
Tunnel- Modem
Emulation Settings
Echo Pluses Select Enabled to echo +++ when entering modem Command Mode.
Echo Commands Select Enabled to echo the modem commands to the console.
Verbose Response Select Enabled to send modem response codes out on the serial line.
Response Type Select the type of response code: Text or Numeric.
Error Unknown
Select whether an ERROR or OK response is sent in reply to unrecognized AT
commands. Choices are:
Enabled = ERROR is returned for unrecognized AT commands.
Disabled = OK is returned for unrecognized AT commands. Default is Disabled.
Select whether Incoming Connection requests will be disabled, answered
automatically, or answered manually. Default is Disabled.
Connect String Enter the connect string. This modem initialization string prepares the modem for
communications. It is a customized string sent with the “CONNECT” modem
response code.
Display Remote IP Selects whether the incoming RING sent on the Serial Line is followed by the IP
address of the caller. Default is Disabled.