
16: VIP Settings
EDS User Guide 148
Enabling VIP
Once the bootstrap file has been imported, VIP Access can be enabled and a conduit with the
DSM will be established. The VIP Statistics shows the current state of the conduit. When
configured correctly, a conduit with the DSM will be maintained at all times.
Configuring Tunnels to Use VIP
Configuring Connect Mode tunnels to use VIP is a simple matter of configuring a tunnel as is
normally done, but also enabling VIP in the Tunnel Host settings, and using a VIP Name for the
VIP Accept Mode tunnels do not require special configuration. If VIP access is enabled (in the VIP
configuration page), then VIP Accept Mode requests from a ManageLinx device will be accepted.
Virtual IP (VIP) Statistics
To view the EDS VIP Statistics:
1. Select VIP from the main menu. The VIP Status page appears.
Figure 16-1 VIP Status