Getting Started With the Web Interface
5.5 Alerts Window
The OpenComms EM may be configured to send alerts by e-mail or dial pagers to notify personnel
when a sensor reading crosses a threshold, either entering a warning or critical state or returning to
normal status. See 4.4 - Thresholds in the Web Interface for more information.
The Alerts tab provides access to three types of alerts:
• E-mail messages (see 5.5.1 - E-Mail Setup)
• Pager messages (see 5.5.2 - Modem Setup)
•SNMP traps (see 5.5.3 - SNMP Trap Alerts Setup)
5.5.1 E-Mail Setup
To generate automatic e-mail alerts when a sensor reading crosses a threshold, log in (see 5.1 - Open
the Web Interface and Log In) and:
• Click on the Alerts tab at the top of the Web interface, as shown below.
• Click on the Email link on the left side of the window. The right side of the window displays setup
information for e-mail alerts, as shown above.
• The Send Mail on Error box allows you to enable or disable e-mail alerts. Click on the Down arrow
to the right of the box and select Yes to activate or No to de-activate e-mail alerts.
• Enter e-mail addresses for the sender and up to four recipients:
• Mail From - Enter the e-mail address of the sender.
• Mail To - Enter the e-mail address of the person who should receive the alert.
• Carbon Copy #1- #3 (optional) - Enter up to three e-mail addresses of additional recipients.
• In the Outgoing Mail Server box, enter the sender’s outgoing mail server, using either an
IP address or a fully qualified name. Using a fully qualified name requires that DNS be properly
configured. If needed, contact your e-mail service provider.
• The Resend box, on the left side of the window, allows you to specify whether the unit will con-
tinue to send alerts at certain intervals as long as the monitored area is in a warning or critical
state. Click on the Down arrow to the right of the Resend box and select Never or a time interval:
15 or 30 seconds, 1, 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes or 1 hour.
Note: The unit will stop sending e-mail alerts as soon as it detects a normal state.
•Click the Test button to send a test e-mail message.
• Click on the Apply button to keep your changes. (Or click Reset to cancel the changes.)
Alerts tab
Activate e-mail
mail server
Send a test
e-mail alert