A Lantronix Company SCS3230 System Administrator's Guide
15.00.038 - 35 - May 2002
6.1.1 Logging In, Serial Connection
Please enter password: ****
sys admin>>
To log in on the ConsoleServer through a local serial connection, type LOGIN at the
LCI3200>> prompt. The system returns the prompt Please enter password:. The
default administrator password is PASS. The ConsoleServer will only echo stars when the
password is entered. If the password is correct, the prompt will change to sys admin>>.
6.1.2 Logging In, Network Connection
UNIX_MACHINE# telnet 5000
Connecting to port 5000...
Escape sequence is ^]
Welcome to the ConsoleServer3200 SysAdmin
Please enter password: ****
sys admin>>
To log in on the ConsoleServer through a network connection, the network interface for the
ConsoleServer first must be configured through the serial terminal. Once the network interface
is configured and functioning, telnet to port 5000 of the IP address assigned to the
ConsoleServer. The ConsoleServer will display a welcome message and the LCI3200>>
prompt. At the prompt, type LOGIN. The system will only prompt for the password. At the
Please enter password: prompt, enter the administration password. The default
administrator password is PASS.
If the password is correct, the prompt will change to sys admin>>.