A Lantronix Company SCS3230 System Administrator's Guide
15.00.038 - 37 - May 2002
6.1.4 System Help (Command List)
To access the help screens, type <F1> H, ?, or HELP to display the help page, once logged in.
The HELP screens offer a Sys Admin Command List.
sys admin>>?
ConsoleServer 3230 Sys Admin Command List
[] - optional <> - parameter must be specified | - OR
abbreviations - Display list of command abbreviations
adduser [new user id] - Add a new user
break <terminal channel> - Break connection
connections [/monitor] - Display list of current connections
(/MONITOR will auto-refresh)
deleteuser [user id|/n] - Delete a user by user id or number
devices - Display device settings
devices [n|device name] - Change settings (n can be 1 to 32)
edituser [user id] - Edit a user's settings
forcelogout <terminal channel> - Force a user off the system
forcelogout sysadmin - Logout sys admin on a network connection
info <slot letter> - Report miscellaneous information
linesperpage [n] - Display/set number of lines before pause
(n can be 0 to 99, 0 disables)
listcards - Display list of installed cards
listdevices - Display list of device names
listusers [user id|/all] - Display list of users
exit - Exit sysadmin shell
modem [/default] - Display/set modem init string
/DEFAULT will set init string to default
Press <CR> to continue
modemtimeout [t] - Display/set timeout for modem calls
(t can be 0 to 30 minutes, 0 disables)
powerstatus - Display status of power supplies
prompt [/clear|/default] - Set/clear system prompt for logged-out state
or set prompt to factory default
telnettimeout [t] - Display/set timeout for telnet sessions
(t can be 0 to 30 minutes, 0 disables)
terminals - Display terminal settings
terminals [n] - Change settings (n can be 1 to 17)
timeout [t] - Display/set timeout on sys admin login
(t can be 0 to 30 minutes, 0 disables)
version [/all|slot letter] - Report software version information
(/ALL will return versions for all cards)
sys admin>>