ConsoleServer 3200 System Lightwave Communications
Rev. A - 38 - www.lightwavecom.com
6.1.5 Abbreviations
A listing of abbreviations for the administrator commands is also available when
connected to the administrator port.
sys admin>>abbreviations
ConsoleServer 3230 Sys Admin Command Abreviations List
abbreviations - a
adduser - addu
break - (no abbreviation)
connections - c
deleteuser - deleteu
devices - dev
edituser - editu
forcelogout - (no abbreviation)
help - h, ?
info - (no abbreviation)
linesperpage - linespp
listcards - listc
listdevices - listd
listusers - listu
Press <CR> to continue
exit - (no abbreviation)
modem - (no abbreviation)
modemtimeout - modemt
powerstatus - po
prompt - pr
telnettimeout - telnett
terminals - term
timeout - time
version - ver
sys admin>>
You must use the <CR> to go to the second page of the Abbreviations list. You cannot interrupt
it in the middle, only let it play out. THEN, you return to sys admin>.
sysadmin@SCS3230 /tmp$ h
Command User Description
-------- ---- -----------
SAVE root Save changes in RAM to Flash
changes root List changed files from factory settings
lciupdate root Download flash updates to terminal or device cards
poweroff root Power off the SCS3230
reboot root Reboot the SCS3230
restore root Restore pararmeters from a previous save
setup root Run the System Configuration script
sysadmin sysadmin/root Run the Sys Admin shell
timeout root Display/set timeouts for console or telnet logins
unsaved root List files changed since last SAVE
sysadmin@SCS3230 /tmp$ sysadmin
sys admin>>