
ConsoleServer 3200 System Lightwave Communications
Rev. A - 94 - www.lightwavecom.com
Most, but not all, commands available on the SCS3230 may be abbreviated. The
following list outlines the allowed maximum abbreviations for all commands. Command
qualifiers for a command may be found immediately below that command.
Sys Admin Commands:
command abbreviation
adduser addu, au
backup backup
break break
changepswd passwd, pswd
connections c
/monitor /m
deleteuser deleteu
devices dev
/all /a
edituser editu, eu
forcelogout forcelogout
help h, ?
info info
lciupdate lciupdate
/tftp /tftp
linesperpage linespp, lines, lpp
listcards listc, lc
listdevices listd, ld
listusers listu, lu
/all /a
login logi
logout, logoff lo
modem modem
modemtimeout modemt, mt
network net
/all /a
powerstatus po, ps
telnettimeout telnett, tt
terminals term
/all /a
timeout time
version ver
/all /a
12: Appendix A Command