4.10 Supply Hose Electrical Connections
Electrical power to heat supply hoses is provided via the melt unit. Supply hoses are equipped with a multi-pin,
molded connector that is attached to the bottom plate of the control panel for ease of installation.
4.11 Applicator Electrical Connections
Electrical power to heat and actuate all handheld and mounted automatic applicators is supplied by the melt unit via
the supply hoses. The applicators are equipped with multi-pin, molded connectors designed to mate to hose
connectors for ease of installation.
4.12 Auxiliary Input Connections
The auxiliary input connection is used when employing automatic applicators and/or for controlling the flow of
atomizing air in spray applications. Controllers supplied by Henkel Corporation are available with terminated cables
to simplify connection to the melt system. Cables with one end un-terminated, PN 986891 for single channel
external interface or P/N 987835 for dual channel external interface) is available to allow connection of a customer-
supplied controller into the melt system.
Figure 6
Auxiliary Connector
Pin Designator