The smallest hole that will pass the power plug is one inch. After the hole
is drilled, pass the other cables up through the hole first, then pass the
power cable down through it.
After the cables have been routed, fill the hole with a good marine sealing
compound. Offset the bracket to cover the hole. Route the cables through
the slot in the back of the bracket. There are two “knockout” plugs in the
rear of the bracket that can be removed to route cables, if necessary.
MOUNTING - In-Dash Mount
The mapping unit can be installed in the dash with the supplied hardware
if the dash is 1/2" thick or less. Measure the dash thickness in the area you
need to mount the unit, since dash thickness can vary. If it’s thicker than
1/2", you’ll need the FM-2 in-dash mounting bracket accessory. Make
certain there is clearance behind the dash for the unit and there is enough
room to tighten the bolts on both sides.
Once you’ve determined the location for the unit, cut the hole according to
the drawing shown above. Measure carefully before cutting! After cutting
the dash, slide the supplied gasket around the unit and place the unit in the
Supplied with this unit are rubber pads, bolts, washers, and cam clamps
to attach it to the dash. Peel the adhesive backing off the rubber pads and
place one on each side of the unit in the location where the cam clamp will
touch the back side of the dash. Using the hardware supplied with the unit,
attach the unit to the dash. Looking at the back of the unit, make certain that
the cam clamp on the left side of the unit is pointing down and the cam
.400" radius
(4 places)