Depth Alarms
The depth alarms sound a tone
when the bottom signal goes
shallower than the shallow
alarm’s setting or deeper than
the deep alarm’s setting. For
example, if you set the shallow
alarm to ten feet, the alarm will
sound a tone if the bottom sig-
nal is less than ten feet. It will
continue to sound until you mute
it or when the bottom goes
deeper than ten feet. The deep alarm works just the opposite. It sounds a
warning tone if the bottom depth goes deeper than the alarm’s setting. Both
depth alarms work only off the digital bottom depth sonar. No other targets
will trip these alarms. The shallow and deep alarms can be used individu-
ally or together.
To turn either alarm on, simply press the key adjacent to the desired
alarm’s label. For example, to turn the shallow alarm on, simply press the
key next to the “Shallow Depth Alarm ON OFF” label. This moves the
check box from “OFF” to “ON” and turns the alarm on.
The default setting for the shallow alarm is 10 feet and 100 feet for the deep
alarm. If you need to change the shallow or deep alarm’s depth, first press
the key next to the desired alarm menu at the bottom of the sonar alarm
menu. In this example, we’ll change the shallow alarm to five feet, so we
press the key next to the “Shallow Depth Alarm: 10FT”. The number “1”
begins flashing. Press the “0” key to change the “1” to “0”. Now press the
right arrow key once to move to the last zero. It will start flashing. Now press
the “5” key. The display should now read 0005, or 5 feet. Finally, press the
ENT key. The menu shows “Shallow Depth Alarm: 5FT”. The alarm will
sound if the bottom signal goes
shallower than 5 feet. If you
make a mistake, or simply don’t
want to make a change in the
depth menu, simply press the
CLR key to exit without chang-
ing the alarm’s depth.
The deep depth alarm adjusts
in exactly the same manner.