Erase a Waypoint
To delete a waypoint from the
waypoint list, first press the
WAYPT/ROUTE key, then
press the key next to the “Way-
points” label. The screen shown
at right appears. Now move the
black box to the waypoint that
you wish to erase using the
arrow keys. Now simply press
the key next to the “Erase
Waypt” label. A message ap-
pears on the screen that warns you that this waypoint will be permanently
erased. If you still wish to erase this waypoint, press the ENT key. The
waypoint location will return to “Empty”. Press the CLR key to return to the
map, steer, or navigation screen.
There are a number of options
available when showing the
waypoint location on the map.
You can show all waypoints or
turn them off, show only the
symbols, names, or number,
or any combination of these.
To change the waypoint dis-
play, first press the MENU key,
then press the key next to the
“Mapping Setup” label. Now
press the key next to the
“More...” label. The screen shown at the bottom of the previous page
appears. Press the key next to the desired option, then press the CLR key
to exit this screen.
The defaults for this screen are: all waypoints on, waypoint symbols on,
waypoint names off, and waypoint numbers on.
A route gives you the ability to navigate to several waypoints without having
to reprogram the unit after arriving at each one. A route consists of two or
more waypoints. When you travel on a route, the GlobalMap 2000 shows
navigation information to the first waypoint in the route. When you reach
the first waypoint, (signalled by the Arrival Alarm), the unit automatically