Erase Route
To erase a route from the list,
first press the WAYPT/ROUTE
key, then press the key next to
the “Routes” label. Use the ar-
row keys to highlight the route
you want to remove from the
list as shown at right. Now press
the key next to the “Erase
Route” label. A warning mes-
sage appears, telling you this
route will be permanently
erased from memory. Press the
ENT key to erase the route, the
CLR key to cancel. A new message appears, asking if you want to erase
the waypoints used in the route from the waypoint list. If you press the ENT
key, all of the waypoints used in this route will be erased from the waypoint
list. If you want to keep the waypoints, simply press the CLR key. The route
is erased from the list after the ENT or CLR key is pressed.
To follow a route, first press the WAYPT/ROUTE key, then press the key
next to the “Routes” label. The screen shown above appears. Now move
the black box to the desired route using the arrow keys, then press the key
next to the “Run Route” label. The screen shown below appears.
The list of waypoints used in the route shows on the right side of the screen.
The black box surrounds the first waypoint in the list. This means the first
waypoint on the list will be the first waypoint used in the route. If you want
to travel to a different waypoint in the route first, move the black box to the
desired waypoint using the arrow keys. Now press the key next to the “Run
Forward” or “Run Reverse” labels. To run forward through the route means
you travel to the first waypoint in
the list first, then all of the oth-
ers. To run backward through
the route means you start at the
last waypoint in the list and move
backward through the list of
waypoints. For example, sup-
pose you have three waypoints
in a route and they’re numbered
3, 6, and 2. If you travel forward
through the route, the unit will
show navigation data to way-