Navigation Page, flying TO KTUL on a course of 355ยบ. The pilot needs
to turn left to "center the needle" and get on course. The plane is cur-
rently 2.6 nautical miles to the right of the course. The cross track er-
ror range is set at 4.00 nautical miles.
The course line is an imaginary line drawn from your position when
you started navigating to the destination waypoint. It's shown on the
HSI screen as a segmented course arrow. The cross track error is the
distance you are off-course to the side of the desired course line. The
current cross track error can be shown in a data box (Off Course) and
graphically by the CDI needle, which is the middle segment of the
course arrow.
Dots on either side of the course arrow show the current cross track
error scale, which is a graphic depiction of the cross track error range.
The default for the cross track error range is 4.0 nautical miles, which
is shown in a floating text box under the scale. If you veer four nautical
miles to the left or right of the course, the off course alarm will appear.
If you are off course to the right, the range box floats to the right of the
course line. If you are off to the left, the range box appears to the left of
the course arrow. While you are on this page, you can use the
ZIN or
ZOUT keys to increase or decrease the cross track error range.
White bearing
arrow (pointing
to destination)
Cross track
error range
Course Deviation
Indicator needle
Course arrow
Track or compass heading indicator, showing direction of travel