
Satellite Status Page
This page provides detailed information on the status of AirMap's sat-
ellite lock-on and position acquisition. No matter what page you are on,
a flashing current position indicator/question mark symbol and flash-
ing GPS data displays indicate that satellite lock has been lost and
there is no position confirmed. This page shows you the quality and
accuracy of the current satellite lock-on and position calculation.
Do not begin navigating with this unit until the numbers have
stopped flashing!
Refer to Sec. 3, Aviation Operation, for further explanation and
more illustrations of the Satellite Page.
1. To get to the Satellite Status Page: press
2. To get to Satellite Status Menu: press
Satellite Status Page.
Status Menu
The Satellite Status Menu allows you to set your own GPS options such
as initializing the GPS location or turning off track smoothing.
Navigation Page
This screen has a compass rose that not only shows your direction of
travel, but also the direction to a recalled waypoint. The navigation screen
looks like the one in the following image when you’re navigating to a way-
point. Your position is shown by an arrow in the center of the screen. Your
trail history, or path you’ve taken is depicted by the line extending from
the arrow. The large arrow pointing down at the top of the compass rose
indicates the current track (direction of travel) you are taking.