Waypoint information screen on VOR nearest this position. Screen
shows name, identifier, city, radio frequency, latitude/longitude and its
compass bearing. It also shows both distance to the VOR and your "Ra-
dial From" – information ready at your fingertips when Air Traffic Con-
trol wants a position report! The figure at left shows Go To command;
right figure shows Find On Map command.
6. AirMap's map appears, with the cross-hair cursor highlighting the
VOR's symbol. A pop-up name box identifies the VOR. A data box at
the bottom of the screen continues to display the location's latitude and
longitude, distance and bearing.
Map screen showing Finding Waypoint,
the result of a VOR search.
7. To clear the search and return to the last page displayed, press
EXIT|EXIT|EXIT|EXIT|EXIT. (Before you completely exited out of the
Search menus, you could have gone looking for another place.)