The Recent Finds list.
You can use the Recent Finds command to quickly get back on your
route if you diverted to a POI along the way, or to navigate back and
forth between two locations on a common commute.
Find Waypoints
The My Waypoints command is used to search among waypoints that
you have created on the iWAY. If you haven't created any waypoints,
the iWAY will display a message indicating that no waypoints were
found. For details on creating waypoints, see Sec. 2.
To find one of your waypoints from the Find Menu, choose
A pop-up window will ask you whether you want to search by Name or
by Nearest. Choose the method that works best for your situation. If
you choose Name, a text box will appear allowing you to enter the way-
point's name (or just enough of it to find it in your waypoints list). If
you choose Nearest, the entire waypoints list will appear, with the
nearest waypoint at the top.
You can Find Waypoint by Name (shown left) or by Nearest (shown right).