
choices will appear. Use the arrow keys to select the line of the address
you want, then press
ENT to bring up its Waypoint Information Screen.
Of course, you already know how to use the Waypoint Information
Screen. You can see how far away the address is, or choose Find On Map
or Go To if you want to begin navigating to it.
Find Streets or Intersections
Find a Street
From the Find Menu, choose
STREETS and press ENT. The Find Streets
menu appears.
1. You must first fill in a street name in the First Street text box. Select
it and press
ENT, and the cursor will enter the text field as described
earlier in this section. Enter the desired street name, and press
The Find Streets menu will appear again, with the information you en-
tered in the First Street field.
Find streets or intersections menu, left, Find street by name, right.
2. The Find Streets menu reappears with the street you're searching for
in the First Street box. (In this example, it's 80th Street.) To search for
that street, choose
FIND FIRST STREET and press ENT. A message appears
asking you to wait while the unit finds the street. When the Streets
Found list appears, press or to the street you are searching for and