
First, think of your unit as a small, highly automated computer. The iWAY
100m includes a keypad and on-screen menus so you can tell it what to do.
The screen lets the unit show your location on a moving map, as well as
point the way to your destination. A speaker built into the power cable lets
you hear verbal turn-by-turn driving instructions.
An internal antenna tunes in to a couple of dozen GPS and WAAS sat-
ellites circling the earth. Your unit listens to signals from as many sat-
ellites as it can "see" above the horizon, then computes its location in
relation to those satellites. The iWAY plots that position on the moving
map shown on the screen.
To use the Turn-by-Turn routing that makes this unit so powerful,
you'll need to create custom map files using the included MapCreate
Turn-by-Turn software. You can use an MMC (MultiMedia Card) or SD
(Secure Digital) Card flash memory card to store these high-detail, cus-
tom maps. MapCreate custom maps contain much greater detail than
the basic background map. The iWAY automatically reads Custom Map
Files directly from the MMC or SD Card. To use a custom map, all you
need to do is slide an MMC containing a map into the unit. For details on
using MapCreate to create these custom maps, consult the MapCreate
documentation provided.
GPS stands for Global Positioning System, a navigational system that
can accurately locate your position anywhere on the Earth. This tech-
nology is available to everyone, everywhere, 24 hours a day, in all
weather conditions. GPS uses 24 satellites orbiting 10,900 miles above
the Earth to transmit position data back to Earth. A GPS receiver proc-
esses that data to tell you where you are.
For the system to work, the unit must have a clear view of the satellites
in order to receive their signals. Unlike radio or television signals, GPS
works at very high frequencies. These signals can be easily blocked by
trees, buildings, an automobile roof, even your body.
If you would like to know more about GPS and its companion system
WAAS, visit our web site and check out the GPS Product Guide section
(www.lowrance.com/Support/gps.asp). It includes a GPS tutorial, fre-
quently asked questions and a glossary.
You'll control the iWAY with the keyboard below the screen. In this
manual, all the keypad "keystrokes" appear as boldface type. So, if
you're in a real hurry when you're looking up instructions (or if you
just need a reminder), you can skim the instructions and pick out
what menu command to use by finding the boldface command text.